Getting fawkeZ

If you want to give fawkeZ a try, you should download the stable distribution from the Trac download section.

For the latest features you can download a current test release from the same location.

Bleeding edge versions can be downloaded from the continuous build artefacts folder cctags. Using these bleeding edge versions should only be considered when you plan to contribute to the fawkeZ project (see Contribute to fawkeZ). It is very likely that there are problems when using this kind of version because the software is in a very early stage of development.


The fawkeZ project provides the following downloads:

Getting the Source

You have full anonymous read access to the fawkeZ subversion repository. To get all the source code at once simply do

svn co /svn/fawkez/trunk fawkez

If you have created yourself an account within this Trac system you can also read access the source using

svn co fawkez

The SSL URL must also be used if you had been given write access.

Further build instructions can be found in the README file.


In case you need help with fawkeZ, don't hesitate to contact the fawkeZ community through the following channel:

  • User mailing-list: jcoderz-user@… (You need to be subscribed before you can send messages to this mailing-list! )